Thursday 2 February 2012

Greasey-Stain-Removing Sunshine!

Shaan here.  So we have all had those weddings to attend where you and your hubby know and love the happy couple, truly believe the relationship will last and so you are extremely keen to find the perfect party dress to wear and kick your heels up with them on the big day.  The day arrives, you spend more time looking for your camera than getting ready and then wonder why your hair doesn’t look quite right, you cry through the ceremony and speeches, eat too much food and, wait for it, drink too much alcohol…  and then the night ends… with an hour wait for a cab, a greasy kebab in hand and then finally, oh finally, you make it into bed.  Makeup not washed off, shoes still strapped on, handbag firmly wedged under your arm and your party dress still on.  Morning, or should I say midday, arrives and when you finally feel like you can sit upright you make your way to the bathroom and a fleeting glance in the mirror confirms your worst nightmare.  Your “perfect party dress” is still on but has been decorated with rather large grease stains not to mention a few unidentified food particles from aforementioned greasy kebab all over the beautiful blue silk.  Ruined!  Or so I thought...

...and then along came Dylon Stain Remover 'for greasy stains'!!!   I found this product in a Singapore supermarket and thought I would give it a try.   It comes in a nifty hand-sized pack with a sponge applicator (yes, yes, so even I couldn't stuff up the application!).  The alternative being never able to wear a dress I love again after only two outings!  I have to say that it was a complete success.  After a go with Dylon and then a trip to the drycleaner the dress came back good as new and lived to see NYE 2011!  


During application - SCARY!

1 comment:

  1. I have used the Dylon Stain Remover as well and it is absolutely wonderful. Is there a way that you can maybe direct me to a site/person who sells this still please as I am struggling a lot to find it. Not available in RSA anymore as far as I know.

    Would really appreciate your help.

    Kind regards

