Monday 13 February 2012

Happenings and being all loved up

Nat here.  It was such a big weekend it was still going on Monday this week!  We went down the Coast on Friday night to husband's parents.  Husband's Mum cooked her famous pork made me think of you Gem!  We went to the beach for a quick dip on Saturday morning and I tested out my's fabulous!

  Saturday we tourist stripped it up again on the Cat into Southbank to have dinner with M&M, we went to Poppolo which was delicious...M1 had a delightful cocktail with frangelico and muddled fruit.  We also had crackling pig, you've started a revolution Gem!

On Sunday we could have city-catted it up but chose to drive into Powerhouse...lucky as a big storm rolled in.  It was lovely to see B&T and J&D, not to mention little Miss L and Master S...seriously cute babies.  I was so enthralled in them the only picture I took was our view on arrival!

Last night we went to Alchemy to celebrate the fact that two years ago husband asked me to marry him, on a secluded beach in Cayman.  Apparently I nodded the wrong way...I was in shock I tell you! Don't worry, I eventually yelled "yes"!

Engagement Spot = SUNSHINE!!

Afterwards we celebrated with our Cayman family - Shaanie, Gem, S and L with respective is one of the best memories of Cayman we have.

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope you are as loved-up as I am today!  SUNSHINE!!

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