Thursday 1 March 2012

Eat, drink and repeat

Nat here.  Who else is super dooper excited it's Friday? Me, me, me!

I caught up with P, S and M at Il Posto on Tuesday night, it was lovely to see them.  I'm really enjoying semifreddo at the moment...

Wednesday was a lovely morning tea at work - who doesn't lurve a good morning tea? I made my famous chicken sandwiches, one day I might part with the recipe...

Baby E-G came along to visit us at work, she's 100/100 delightful, the little love gets passed around between about 20 of us girls and just smiles away!  E had a matching outfit with her Mum K, it was super cute.

Wednesday night we had dinner with M&M - M1 made THE yummiest snapper eva with buerre blanc sauce - de-licious.  M1 also showed me how to make rolled pav, so simple, yet so tasty.  I believe (correct me if I'm wrong M1) is 4 egg whites beaten until glossy, then slowly add in 3/4 cup sugar.  Thin it out onto greaseproof paper in a lamington pan and cook for 30 minutes.  Once cooked apply cream and sugar and roll up the pavlova by pulling away the greasproof paper as you roll it.  Easy!

Thursday night was dinner at Peasant.  Husband was devastated - Churros weren't on the menu, he was saving himself for them specially, don't you hate that?  It was lovely to catch up with G and T...hey guys, you are G and T - exactly what I'll be enjoying this afternoon!

Happy Friday!

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