Monday 26 March 2012

I wasn't full after all...!

Nat here.  We celebrated M's birthday at Brett's Wharf on Sunday night.  It was delish - snapper with buerre blanc sauce (although we did comment that M's homemade was definitely better!).

And the boys romantically shared the pork belly for 2:

They also made M feel great by guessing her "real" age...

Husband and I are back at Brett's Wharf this Sunday night for plates for mates, really looking forward to helping such a worthy cause. 

In other news...I hope you have all entered Katrina's brilliant competition here.  I can't wait to win a fully catered dinner party by the KC team!!

P.S Shaanie is in BrisVegas - wooohoooo!!! Can't wait to hug her till it hurts. 

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