Tuesday 13 March 2012

Home-made Pizza

Shaanie here.  As you can probably guess, of the three of us I am the one that was born sans the cooking gene.  It's not that I can't cook mind you, it's more of a case where I don't find the enjoyment in it that others do.  The thought of going home after a day in the office to cook a meal fills me with dread (unless we are having tacos, I LOVE tacos!)  My hubby and I are the ones to bring the cheese and wine to any event.  We are hoping that a lovely cheese platter and some delish red wine to match will divert our hosts thoughts from the fact that we have never returned the favour and had them back to our place for dinner.

So this brought me to one of those uncomfortable situations where I did have to return the favour.  I was filled with dread (and I mean FILLED).   After a child-like whining session to Gem in Cayman a number of years ago she came up with a brilliant plan that as she puts it 'even I can do'.

...and in came Donna Hay Pizza recipes.  Making your own pizza dough sounds like a traumatic experience but I have to say it is sooooo easy and it makes you look like you can actually cook!  Apart from the fact that I manage to get flour from one end of the kitchen to the other, the pizza making experience is wonderfully stress free.

Fast forward to a few years later and a new country (Singapore) and I have had the arduous task of trying to make new friends.  After finally securing some that seem to not mind my rather sketchy personality (not to mention sense of humour) I thought I would take it on myself to have a couple of girls over and make pizzas.

SUCCESS!!! The new GFs were suitably impressed and I even took on the honourable task of assuring one of my cohorts in lack of chef skills that yes, even she could do it.  (And she did make them a few days later for her hubby on Valentines day).

Donna Hay has the basic pizza dough recipe and some topping options on her website.  Simply type "pizza" into the search area and voila!  www.donnahay.com.au

My favourite toppings are:

  • Prosciutto, Cherry Tomato and Bocconcini (see piccies below)
  • Rosemary Potatoes and Caramelised Onion (I actually made my own caramelised onions!)
  • Pumpkin and Pancetta

Here is some photographic evidence of my Prosciutto and Bocconcini efforts:

Ready to Eat - Sunshine!

Red Wine - aka the Rolling Pin!


  1. I couldn't believe how easy making your own pizza bases was either. I use this recipe as well :)

  2. Miss you crackle. Think you owe me pizza
