Sunday 11 March 2012

Sunshine weekend

Nat here.  We started shopping for THE 80's dinner party next Saturday, I'm sure you can tell the era from the conveyor belt at Coles?

It was SB's hens on Saturday, what a blast!  It was a little sad that all the Cayman girls weren't there but trust me gals, I drank your quota of champas and then some!  I don't usually put faces on our blog but you have to see her face to get the true picture!  The straw had been handed down by one of the bridesmaids.  It's not a hens without one is it?

We babysat little R on Sunday, what a delight!  Such a smiley little cutie pie, he was just perfect.  I missed him as soon as I handed him back to his Mum and Aunty M.  Thanks for letting us look after your little sunshine B&P!

Husband with baby R - those phones are still the best toys eva!


We finished off our weekend with P&J last night at the movies - Questions for Ben was awesome, highly recommend!  I am still tasting the garlic from the lebanese at Rouj (Rosalee) afterwards, another highly recommend, the mixed platter is delish!

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